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Ele Ingram

Ele on Ili

Updated: Aug 16, 2022

“Hey you”……my best friend, advisor, amazing sister, comforter and so much more. You were the calm during my stressful situations and you always knew the right thing to say. You provided guidance when I needed to make decisions and supported me once those decisions were made. You played such an important role in my life and those of my kids and grandkids. I have so many incredible memories that will keep you alive in my heart!

The impact you had on people’s lives is evident in the numerous cards I received. The feelings expressed in them, such a heart breaking event, leaving many sad and shocked by such a tragic loss, causing an immense void in all of our lives are so true. The many different thoughts that were expressed really touched my heart. They described you as supportive, amazing, had such a sweet and powerful presence, precious, touched so many lives, beloved by many and left a beautiful legacy.

You were such an incredible woman, wife, mother, sister, Buela, Tia, Godmother, best friend to many and the impression you left with each of us will be treasured forever. The world will not be the same for all of us without you. You were taken from us too early. You will be dearly missed!

I love you - your “little sister” Ele

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